Saturday, January 21, 2012

How it all began!

So, this is my first attempt at blogging. :) I thought why not do this! You see I am 41 years old and found out 3 days ago that I am pregnant with my 3rd child. The key points here are I'm 41!!! I've done lots of math on this fact - like when the child is 18 I will be 59!! When they get married at 30 - I'll look like the grandmother of the bride at 71 instead of the mother!! To add even more to those math equations. My other 2 kids are daughter (9) and son (11) years old!!! I know you can put together some lovely math figures in your head on that - son will be a senior in high school when they start kindergarten!! You may be asking what are you thinking!?! 

A little background - was married for 8 years and been together for almost 13 when my ex-husband decided he wanted a divorce 4 1/2 years ago. Came as quite a shock to put it midly!! This is when my new journey began. I then went through the dating process, being by myself process, then the dating process again and you see the pattern here. I then was blessed enough to find an incredible man in Jan. 2010. We began to date, was incredible with my kids, family loved him and was incredible to me. We married May 7, 2011. He is 40 and has no kids (just a step-dad). We decided to try to have a child together. So, we have been trying for several months and nothing is happening. We discuss with the doctor and decide I'm going to try Clomid. I pick it up from the pharmacy on Day 7 of menstrual cycle and no instructions were included. I call the doctor to inquiry about when to take it and realize I was suppose to start 2 days ago. Great!! Another month gone by. To our surprise, we got pregnant this month naturally with no assistance needed! I now have 3 months of Clomid that I spent $108 dollars on!! Anyone want it? Just kidding. So happy it happened this way. 

Me and my new hubby

I am going to chronicle my life during this 9 months. I also work full-time, my sister lives in my basement, have 3 dogs in the household. Always things going on!!! 

So stay tuned!! 

 Here is a pic at 4 weeks pregnant. lol